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Workshop on 5G supply market trends & Open RAN

Mai 19

Interested in the key 5G development pathways and Supply Market Trends and Perspectives on Open Initiatives? Come and visit the Second Stakeholder Workshop on 19 May online.

This second stakeholder workshop aims to provide an overview on 1) key development pathways for 5G derived from a scenario development process, and 2) results of the scenario impact assessment in a selected number of impact dimensions including: market competition and costs, cybersecurity, energy efficiency and consumption, new services, applications and mobile traffic, interoperability and standards needs, and overall impact for Europe.

The workshop is part of the EU project "5G supply market trends and Open RAN". The EU Project analyses global 5G supply market trends and set out possible options for the Commission to facilitate the development of a diverse and sustainable 5G ecosystem in the EU. The study, with a budget of 190.000 € and a duration of 11 months, is conducted by a consortium involving RAND Europe, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology - Center for Innovation Systems & Policy, Arthur D. Little, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI and imec.

Programme & registration: