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AIT Expert member of the Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP)

We are pleased to announce that AIT scientist and YEAR board member Michela Vignoli will represent the YEAR Network at the High-Level Advisory Group 'Open Science Policy Platform' (OSPP).

The members of the Advisory Group will discuss the documents and general orientations proposed by the European Commission to provide advice about the development and implementation of open science policy in Europe. The Advisory Group is composed of top level representatives from universities, research organisations, adacemies/learned societies, funding organisations, citizen science organisations, publishers, open science platforms/intermediaries, and libraries.


The goals of the OSPP are in line with Research, Science and Innovation Commissioner Carlos Moedas priority to radically improve the quality and impact of science in Europe.


More information can be found here:

• European Open Science Policy Platform

• YEAR Young European Associated Researchers