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AIT @ Hungarian Machine Learning Days

Lecture by Senior Scientist Csaba Beleznai in Budapest

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology was represented at this year's Hungarian Machine Learning Days (HUNML). From July 30 to August 1, 2024, the conference took place at the European Youth Center in Budapest and attracted numerous experts from the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as U.Standford, Deepmind, Google, U. Cambridge, ETH Zurich and many more.

Hungarian Machine Learning Days (HUNML)

The aim of HUNML is to create a platform for exchange between researchers and institutions working in the field of AI with a connection to Hungary. The aim is not only to strengthen the Hungarian AI ecosystem, but also to establish links with European AI centers such as the ELLIS initiatives. The conference offered participants the opportunity to gain insights into the latest developments in AI research in a series of lectures and poster sessions and to network with international colleagues.


Senior Scientist at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Competence Unit “Assistive & Autonomous Systems” Csaba Beleznai was among others invited to give a talk at the conference.

Under the title “Robot perception from geometric cues. Representation learning for spatial reasoning & manipulation.”, Beleznai presents current trends and approaches in the field of robotic perception, particularly in the context of object-related position recognition. He explains how modern methods of representation learning are used to improve spatial reasoning and manipulation in the field of robotics. Beleznai presents various application examples, including the geometric analysis of pallets, logs and containers in challenging scenarios. He emphasizes that the workflow has evolved from simple, one-step processes to complex, multi-step processes. He also emphasizes the change in the human role when interacting with robotic systems: From the classic operator, who manually executes individual steps of a semi-automated assistance system, to the supervisor, who controls highly automated systems.

Dr. Beleznai's presentation was met with great interest and stimulated numerous discussions, especially with regard to the future role of AI in automation and the increasing importance of machine learning in robotics. AIT is pleased to be able to contribute to international networking and knowledge exchange in AI research by participating in such high-caliber events.