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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung



The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology was invited to Paris by the Renault Group for an exclusive expert meeting. The “Mission Automotive” event brought together experts from Austria, Bavaria and Belgium to present innovative developments in the fields of user experience (UX) and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). This was an important opportunity for AIT to present its expertise and the results of several groundbreaking research projects to an international audience of experts.

AIT researchers present groundbreaking research

Recently, a team of AIT researchers traveled to Renault to present the latest advances in autonomous driving, with a focus on solutions to improve human-vehicle interaction (HMI) and the overall vehicle experience. Innovations include, among others, validated HMI solutions for automated and non-automated vehicles, encompassing both driver and passenger interfaces, teleoperation and external HMIs.

The AIT team, consisting of Oliver Zendel and Philipp Glira from the Center for Vision, Automation & Control, and Lukas Kröninger and Richárd Révész from the Center for Technology Experience, presented three research projects:

  1. “Human-Vehicle Interfaces and User Experience Framework”
    A research project that develops new approaches to improve human-vehicle interaction to make the user experience in future vehicles more intuitive and safer.
  2. “Robust perception of the environment with high-resolution imaging radar” 
    This project focuses on the use of advanced imaging radars to improve environmental perception, a critical building block for autonomous driving.
  3. "Semantic scene understanding as a foundation for autonomous driving”
    This involves the development of technologies that enable vehicles to gain a deeper understanding of their environment, significantly improving the safety and efficiency of autonomous driving systems.

Strong international networking and exchange with industry

The event was organized by renowned organizations such as the Agoria Automotive Technology Club, the Automobil-Cluster and Bayern Innovativ and provided an excellent opportunity for AIT to present its pioneering technologies to leading industry representatives. This networking not only strengthens AIT's visibility on the international stage, but also promotes exchange with global partners and potential industrial applications.

AIT as a key factor for the future of mobility

By participating in “Mission Automotive”, the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology once again underlines its leading role in the development of future-oriented technologies for the automotive industry. AIT's expertise in the areas of user experience, automation and autonomous driving is crucial to making future mobility safer, more efficient and more user-friendly. By working closely with international partners such as the Renault Group and other players in the automotive industry, AIT is making a significant contribution to shaping the mobility of tomorrow.