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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

AI Taskforce

The goal

The AIT has set itself the goal of becoming one of Europe's leading institutions in the application of modern AI methods. This applies to all areas, from the way research is conducted, how innovation projects are set up and implemented together with partners from industry, business and the public sector, to administration and technical support.

AI will bring about numerous disruptive changes in the research and innovation sector, which is why it is essential for AIT to transform itself into a company with full and consistent AI support in all areas in order to position itself at the forefront of applied research in Europe.

The members and their roles

  • Alexander Schindler, AI Strategist / Project Manager
  • Jules Salzinger, AI Education / Community building
  • Rupert Schlick, Expert for AI Computing Infrastructure
  • Eva Molin, Data Engineer / Scientist
  • Xheneta Bilalli Shkodra, Machine Learning / AI Engineer / AI Tool Tester
  • Peter Biegelbauer, AI Ethics and Policy
  • Beatrice Kornelis, Head of Legal, Resilience & Procurement
  • Daniel Pepl, AI Task Force Corporate Communications

The tasks

  • Networking of AIT researchers and the development of an AI community at AIT
  • Establishment of an AI training, education and information platform
  • Identifying the potential and testing different AI tools
  • Advising and supporting AIT employees in the field of AI
  • Establishment of an AIT AI governance structure
  • Evaluation and establishment of a suitable AI software and hardware infrastructure for the AIT