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AIT participates in EU-funded project to develop virtual twins for customized treatment of cardiovascular diseases

The AIT Biosignal Analysis team contributes its expertise in signal analysis to the Horizon Europe project VITAL to develop innovative health solutions.

The AIT Center for Health and Bioresources with the Competence Unit Medical Signal Analysis is part of the EU-funded VITAL project, which is driving forward the development of virtual human twins for the personalized treatment of complex cardiovascular diseases. AIT is contributing its expertise to improve treatment outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

Complex cardiovascular diseases and their challenges

Complex chronic cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure or high blood pressure affect billions of people worldwide and significantly impair their quality of life. The treatment of these diseases is particularly challenging as it is based on complex interactions between the heart, lungs and blood vessels as well as other factors such as hormones, genetic and psychosocial influences. Personalized treatment is therefore urgently needed in order to take the individual needs of patients into account and achieve the best possible treatment results.

The VITAL project and virtual human twins

The aim of the project is to develop virtual twins that are digital models of the patient's organ systems. These twins are based on data from clinical examinations and wearable sensors, e.g. smartwatches, and simulate the function of the heart and other organs based on individual health data. This enables precise predictions to be made about the course of treatment. By simulating individual reactions to different treatment approaches, medical staff can make informed decisions and thus personalize treatment. Bernhard Hametner, project manager at AIT: "Personalized medicine can benefit significantly from virtual twins. With our signal analysis, we can convert data from wearable devices into valuable clinical information."

Algorithm development and signal analysis

The Medical Signal Analysis Team of the AIT Center for Health and Bioresources will develop algorithms for the analysis of cardiovascular signals as part of the project. Among other things, these algorithms will quantify the extent of organ damage and evaluate the effects of interventional procedures such as renal denervation to lower blood pressure. Previous AIT studies on the prediction of blood pressure reductions through renal denervation have already shown promising results, which are now being incorporated into the VITAL project. AIT is also leading the work package on exploitation and use in the EU's virtual twin ecosystem and is contributing its expertise in regulatory aspects of medical devices.

The next step in clinical care

The VITAL project offers a new opportunity to revolutionize personalized clinical care. Virtual human twins make it possible to accurately predict short- and medium-term responses to treatments, detect potential side effects at an early stage and thus improve the overall efficiency and safety of therapies. In the long term, this could fundamentally change healthcare and contribute significantly to improving the quality of life of patients with complex cardiovascular diseases.

More information: https://vital-horizoneurope.eu/