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Join us for the first Vascular Ageing Awareness Day, June 06, 2021!

Take a selfie of yourself revving up your cardiovascular system and post it under the hashtags #vascularage21 #arteryawareness21 #visiblearteries

Join us for the first Vascular Ageing Awareness Day initiated by COST Action VascAgeNet and the Artery Society. The goal is to raise awareness about the importance of the cardiovascular system to improve people's health. The theme of the day is "physical activity." Here's how you can participate:

  1. Choose an activity you enjoy
  2. Take time for yourself and do what you have chosen to do
  3. Take a selfie of yourself doing it
  4. Upload the photo to social media (Twitter, Facebook or Instagram) on June 6, 2021. 
  5. Tag VascAgeNet and ARTERY in the photo and use the hashtags #vascularage21 #arteryawareness21 #visiblearteries
  6. Download your certificate at: http://vascagenet.eu/vascular-ageing-awareness-day-2021  

The network currently includes researchers and industry partners from 37 European countries and two international partner countries (Australia and USA) and is open to expand to other COST countries. Christopher Mayer and Bernhard Hametner, experts of the Competence Unit Biomedical Systems of the Center for Health & Bioresources, were two of the main initiators of the network and are the chair and head of one of the working groups, respectively.

What is Vascular Ageing? Here is a short explanatory video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s0_Rkg_bRE&feature=youtu.be 
All information at: http://vascagenet.eu/vascular-ageing-awareness-day-2021