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Transport Technologies: Erfolgreiche PhD-Abschlüsse von Giulia Scampone und Susan Montes-Gutierrez


Giulia Scampone, Forscherin im Bereich der Gießtechnologie am LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen, und Susan Montes-Gutierrez, die in der Unit Battery Technologies tätig ist, haben vor kurzem erfolgreich Ihre Doktorratsstudien abgeschlossen. Wir gratulieren dazu sehr herzlich!

Scampone schloss ihr Doktoratsstudium an der Universität Padua (Department of Management and Engineering) ab, Montes-Gutierrez promovierte an der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg (Department Chemistry and Physics of Materials).

Giulia Scampones Dissertation hatte das “Anodizing of Al alloy diecastings – Alloy design, manufacturing process and material properties” zum Thema, hier der Abstract:

The current focus on sustainability has led to the widespread use of diecast Al-Si alloys in the automotive sector. To improve the surface properties of casting components and make the castings electrically insulated, an anodizing process can be performed. However, due to the high content of alloying elements, diecast Al-Si alloys are challenging to anodize and only a limited number of research studies have been conducted in this field. This PhD thesis aims to address this knowledge gap by investigating the influence of near-surface microstructure, surface topography and anodizing parameters on the anodizing response of Al-Si diecast components.

Susan Montes-Gutierrez’ Dissertation stand unter dem Titel “Silica – (Bio) polymer Hybrid Materials” und widmete sich folgendem Thema:

The dissertation deals with the non-destructive mechanical testing of lithium-ion secondary batteries to determine their structural properties. The work has shown that the mechanical parameters obtained in this way can contribute significantly to i.) better estimating the state of charge and state of health, ii.) detecting safety-critical conditions at an early stage and iii.) obtaining parameters for the design of battery systems. Some methods, such as pressure/force and ultrasound, also have high potential for integration into battery systems to provide additional data for battery management systems in order to increase their functionality.

Wir freuen uns sehr über diesen großen Erfolg und wünschen Giulia Scampone und Susan Montes-Gutierrez alles Gute für ihre weitere wissenschaftliche Laufbahn!