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AIT member of the newly established Transformative Innovation Policy European Hub


Last week, the first Transformative Innovation Policy – Engagement Week took place in the wonderful Palau de Pedralbas in Barcelona. During three inspiring and intensive days, presentations, workshops and discussions took place under the headline “Scaling Experimentation – a calalyst for transformative change”.

The Engagement Week was organized by the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium, the Deep Transitions Lab together with AIT, Ingenio, and the Generalitat de Catalunya. The first two days were dedicated to intensive exchange and networking between experts and stakeholders from research governmental organisations and finance on various matters of Transformative Innovation Policy.

On Thursday, with the support of EU-SPRI and in collaboration with Ingenio, FraunhoferISI and LISIS, AIT launched the European TRIPEuHub, which is a network of couples (@Vinnova & @CIRCLE, Ingenio & Generalitat de Catalunya represented here), of research organisations and public administrations in the field of transformative innovation policy, aiming to intensify collaboration and dialogue between together to co-design transformative innovation policies and sharing experiences across countries and levels of government.

On Friday Matthias Weber, Head of Center for Innovation Systems and Policy at AIT, had co-organised a track on behalf of Eu-SPRI with excellent presentations and discussions of the policies that can help generalize innovation to enable transformative change. Among other aspects the spatial embedding and the mission-oriented nature of many recent policy initiatives were stressed, and new approaches to more effective stakeholder engagement explored. A session on advanced modelling of transition processes featured AIT’s recent work on agent-based modelling, presented by Katharina Jäger.
