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New Energy for Industry launches the new innovation lab NEFI+ for a climate-neutral industry

Launch with six innovation hubs: Interested partners from industry and research are now invited to contribute project ideas to the development of high-quality research and innovation projects within the framework of NEFI+

NEFI - New Energy for Industry launches the new innovation lab NEFI+ for a climate-neutral industry With from left to right: Christoph Brunner (AEE Intec); Dorian Wessely (Business Upper Austria/NEFI), Wolfgang Hribernik (AIT/NEFI), Thomas Kienberger (Montanuniversität Leoben /NEFI), Bernd Vogl (Klima- und Klimafonds), Bernhard Gahleitner (AIT/NEFI), Christiane Egger (Energiesparverband OÖ/NEFI), Urban Peyker (Klima- und Energiefonds), Isabella Plimon (BMK), Andreas Kugi (AIT) © AIT/Reither APA Fotoservice

On 20th June 2024 the the innovation network “NEFI - New Energy for Industry” presented its new and unique innovation laboratory NEFI+, which will specifically drive technological development towards a climate-neutral transformation of industry in Austria. In close cooperation with over 120 partners, NEFI has been setting new standards in this area over the past five years. Motivated by the results achieved so far, NEFI+ is now starting out with six innovation hubs and acts as a catalyst in the development of projects contributing to the transformation of industry as part of the RTI initiative “Transformation of Industry”.

The innovation network NEFI-New Energy for Industry consists of the network partners AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben, OÖ Energiesparverband and Business Upper Austria

“The new NEFI+ innovation lab is now acting as a catalyst to launch the projects and technologies for a climate-neutral industry in Austria,” says Austria’s Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler. “We will be investing over three billion euros from the Climate Protection Ministry for the transformation of our industry by 2030. With this reliable funding, we are creating investment and planning security for companies, both for innovative projects as part of the Climate and Energy Fund's RTI initiative for the transformation of industry, as well as specific implementation projects with the 'Transformation of Industry' programme under the Environmental Funding Act. This secures our competitiveness, ensures our independence from Russian natural gas and protect our climate.


NEFI+ Innovation Lab with six innovation hubs

“Through the NEFI scenarios for a climate-neutral industry, we have demonstrated the basis outlining concrete paths for the transformation of the industrial energy system. Now we need to seize the opportunity to close any technological gaps and show what industry can actually implement and test. Specifically, we will further develop these scenarios across six innovation hubs in the NEFI+ Innovation Lab, identify innovative solutions and carry out a comprehensive impact assessment to evaluate the actual effects,” says Thomas Kienberger, Head of the NEFI+ Innovation Lab and Head of the Chair of Energy Network Technology at Montanuniversität Leoben.

Panel discussion

At the kick-off event, AIT Scientific Director Andreas Kugi joined Thomas Kienberger, Isabella Plimon, Gerhard Christiner and Bernd Vogl to discuss two key questions: "How can the transformation of industry succeed?" and "What role do research and innovation, industry and funding play in this?"

Picture gallery: NEFI+: Innovationsschub für die klimaneutrale Transformation der Industrie | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH | APA-Fotoservice 

Kick off innovation hubs in Vienna

Kick off innovation hubs in Vienna

On 19 June 2024, the heads of the seven innovation hubs met in Vienna before the official kick-off. The topics of the hubs  are electrification & energy efficiency, flexibilisation, carbon-neutral gases and hydrogen, carbon capture & storage, the circular economy and industrial symbiosis. Each hub is led by two respected Austrian research institutions which are undertaking significant and practical research and demonstration projects together with industrial partners. Initial structures for the development of the hubs have already been established. Interested partners from industry and research are now invited to contribute project ideas to the development of high-quality research and innovation projects within the framework of NEFI+. 

More information on the six innovation hubswww.nefi.at/de/launching-nefi