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E World 2024

Feb 20

AIT will again be present at E-World Energy & Water in Essen 2024 along with key players in the energy industry and decision makers in Europe and beyond. At our booth Hall 5 booth 5D120, we will, amongst others demonstrate:

  • SECURES (Secures - AIT Austrian Institute Of Technology) research results, which relates to electricity supply, climate change, decarbonization, cost effectiveness and resilience;
  • a planning tool for e-charging stations, developed in collaboration with Energie Steiermark AG;
  • our tool which compiles, analyses and evaluates energy generation from different sources and consumption data and, depending on needs, interests and parameters, technologies involved, financial and regulatory constraints, provides results regarding system efficiency and economic viability”

Learn more:  AIT Austrian Institute of Technology | E-world Community (e-world-essen.com)