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This was ComForEn 2023

European Network for Interoperability and Impulse Lectures in an Old Viennese Tramway

For the 12th time, experts from science and industry met at the Communications for Energy Systems (ComForEn) symposium, which took place in Vienna from March 15 to March 17, 2023. The central question was the way to an interoperable energy system. Interoperability is the ability of actors, components and applications to work together by sharing data and information. The next generation of energy systems is expected to integrate many new technologies and applications (demand response, flexibility services, market participation) across different energy vectors (electricity, heat, gas, mobility, transport) and ensure system reliability, sustainability, efficiency and affordability. Therefore, interoperability between these sectors, technologies and applications is a key success factor to ensure these requirements are met.

Workshops were held on the first day, with presentations on the second and third days. Among them was a contribution from the European research project int:net, which is working to build a community to drive ongoing progress in smart grid interoperability. For this, first concepts for an interoperability roadmap for the energy transition were presented.

In terms of content, the presentation by David Reihs (AIT) on "Unlocking Customer Flexibilities through Standardized Communication interfaces" was also exciting. Here, results of an AIT study were presented on how an interface between distribution system operators and customers could be implemented.

A special highlight was the streetcar session, where keynote speeches on concepts and results of current research in the field of interoperability were given during a ride around the Ring in an old Viennese streetcar.

ComForEn is organized by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, TU Wien and OVE.