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Practical insights into digitalisation and agroecology for sustainable agriculture in Europe

A podcast series from the AIT coordinated project PATH2DEA

Digitalisation in agriculture opens up completely new possibilities for sustainable and resource-conserving farming. The AIT-coordinated EU project PATH2DEA, which involves 19 partners, is focussing on the question of which digital tools and technologies are best suited to promoting agroecology while taking ecological, economic and social aspects into account. PATH2DEA is not developing any digital tools itself, but is creating a marketplace for existing technologies and drawing up a research and innovation roadmap (R&I roadmap) to promote digitalisation in agriculture. PATH2DEA was named a ‘front runner project in promoting digitalisation in agroecology’ at the ‘Digitalisation, AI and sustainable agriculture’ seminar in the European Parliament, an accolade that underlines the central importance of this project in the European discourse on the future of sustainable agriculture.


The six PATH2DEA showcases presented in the podcast series feature experts and farmers who shed light on the practical benefits of existing digital technologies for small and medium-sized farms. From the integration of sensors in viticulture in Catalonia to agroforestry in Belgium and the use of decision support systems in Tuscany - the showcase projects cover a broad spectrum. The insight into how digital tools meet with acceptance in practice and what hurdles the farmers had to overcome during implementation is particularly exciting.

The podcasts make it clear that digital technologies are a key to the future of agriculture if they are used efficiently and in a targeted manner. At the same time, however, they also show that the transition to digital agriculture is complex and often requires customised solutions.

  • Terrena, Frankreich – Insights into digital support in sustainable agriculture.
  • Weinbau in Katalonien, Spanien – Sustainable viticulture through digital sensors.
  • Olivenbauern in der Toskana, Italien – Decision support for small businesses.
  • Agroforstwirtschaft in Flandern, Belgien – Digital technologies in use for agroforestry.
  • Gemüseanbau in Almería, Spanien – Use of IoT technologies in greenhouses.
  • Viehwirtschaft in Ungarn – Sensors for sustainable pasture management.

Interdisciplinary collaboration for sustainable solutions

PATH2DEA combines the expertise of several centres at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. The Center for Health & Bioresources focuses on the sustainable management of natural resources, while the Center for Digital Safety & Security deals with the development of secure digital infrastructures and the use of IoT technologies. The Center for Innovation Systems & Policy provides strategic support in the political and social implementation of innovations to ensure that the digitalisation of agriculture is not only driven forward technologically, but also politically and socially.

For those particularly interested, the PATH2DEA Virtual Research Environment platform offers further information on the showcase projects and facilitates dialogue with experts. This platform links stakeholders from various areas of agroecology and digitalisation and creates space for discussion and knowledge exchange.

Looking ahead to next year's PATH2DEA conference, which builds on the Digital Agroecology Cluster, the project remains a key player in the field of sustainable agriculture and digital transformation. The conference will serve as a platform to discuss future developments in agroecology and digitalisation and show new ways in which these technologies can be used effectively and sustainably.

The project: path2dea.eu