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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

AIT Fake Shop Detector nominated for Houska Prize 2023

Nomination in the category non-university research for Fake Shop Detector as AI real-time protection for consumers

The ÖIAT's "Watchlist Internet" hotline receives more than 1,000 reports of Internet fraud every month, around 40% of which are on the subject of fake shops. Since the mass of fakes can no longer be countered manually, the AIT, ÖIAT and X-Net Services have developed a free tool based on artificial intelligence that makes online shopping safe. Based on the fraud database of the "Watchlist Internet", machine learning algorithms were trained to measure the similarity of each web shop to known fake shops and warn of fraud using a traffic light system. The Fake Shop Detector thus makes a significant contribution to increasing security in online commerce and can prevent millions of euros worth of damage if it becomes more widespread.

The Fake Shop Detector has already prevailed over 23 entrants in the category of non-university research. Every year, the B&C Private Foundation awards the best domestic research projects with the Houska Prize. In the 18th edition of the research prize, the golden statue will be awarded in a festive award ceremony on 27 April 2023 in the categories "University Research", "Research & Development in SMEs" and, for the first time, "Applied Research".

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