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New artist-in-residence project with Process Studio

"Tokens for Climate Care" now in the foyer of Giefinggasse 4

Since Thursday, 24 March, we have a new ARTTEC exhibition in the foyer of Giefinggasse: "Tokens for Climate Care" by Martin Grödl and Moritz Resl, also known as Process Studio. The exhibition focuses on the power of design. An artificial intelligence designs new, original symbols for climate activism. The machine-learning system GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) accesses a comprehensive database of logos, signs and glyphs that are linked to certain keywords around the topic of "climate care".

The infinite variations of the tokens are based on emergence, a form of a system's development that is based on the unrecognisable interaction of its elements. The tokens that emerge here can escape the machine and be further processed individually according to their "terms of care" and used as symbols for climate protection. Give it a try!

Martin Grödl and Moritz Resl, both graduates of the University of Applied Arts and the Technische Universität Wien, have already exhibited their joint work at the MAK - Museum for Ap-plied Arts, the Vienna Biennale for Change, the London Design Biennale and at Ars Electronica. They are currently working with the Center for Vision, Automation & Control (Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems) on a concept for another exhibition, which will be on display in the foyer in autumn.