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Closer Apart – A Conversation with Bill Buxton

Manfred Tscheligi, Head of Center for Technology Experience, in an exclusive expert discussion with Microsoft Partner Researcher Bill Buxton on the topic of distancing

The challenging year of 2020 has shown how important technology is in keeping our social and working lives together. How do we create closeness despite distance? What did we learn from recent technological developments? And what are the interdisciplinary technological challenges of the future? In our expert talk “Closer Apart – A Conversation with Bill Buxton”, Bill Buxton and Manfred Tscheligi address these questions.

In an expert talk organized by the AIT Center for Technology Experience as part of the COVID Pop-up Hub, an initiative of BMK, Bill Buxton provided deep insights into distancing and the current challenge of human-centered technologies.

YouTube Video:


Bill Buxton - Partner Researcher at Microsoft Research
Bill has a 45-year romance with human aspects of technology. Following a 20-year career as a professional musician, he morphed into a researcher and interaction designer, at the University of Toronto, Xerox PARC, Alias Research and SGI Inc. (where he was Chief Scientist).. Awards include four honorary doctorates, co-recipient of an Academy Award, ACM/SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement Award, and Fellow of the ACM. Writer, speaker and consultant, he is also an Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto, and Distinguished Professor of Industrial Design, TU/Eindhoven. Other than his family, mountains, rivers bikes and books are his passions.
For more information, see billbuxton.com


AIT-Contact: Vanessa Schuster