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Human-Computer Interaction at the Alpbach Technology Symposium

Manfred Tscheligi, Head of Center for Technology Experience at the Ö1 radio broadcast matrix.

This year's Alpbach Technology Symposium took place under the motto "Fundamentals" and dealt with the question of how we will live with artificial intelligence (AI) in the future. As part of the "matrix" series, Ö1 addressed the topic and interviewed Manfred Tscheligi, Head of Center for Technology Experience and Head of the Center for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the University of Salzburg.

For the acceptance of new technology it is important, among other things, that users feel comfortable using it. How this can be achieved depends on various factors, such as trust in the technology and systems. How this trust can be promoted is the subject of research at HCI. For example, studies have shown that a positive error culture and feedback from robots can help to increase trust in them, reports Tscheligi. You can find out what this means in the Ö1 program "matrix" on Friday, August 28. 

Listen to it here:
Wie leben mit KI?

AIT-Contact: Manfred Tscheligi