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Markus Murtinger is the new head of Experience Business Transformation

Markus Murtinger leitet seit 1. Jänner die neu gegründete Competence Unit Experience Business Transformation im Center for Technology Experience

Markus Murtinger has been head of the newly established Experience Business Transformation Competence Unit at the Center for Technology Experience at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology since 1 January 2020. In his new role, he is responsible for the strategic development of the new Competence Unit. ‘I am very much looking forward to my new challenge in an exciting environment. Together, we will design innovative concepts in the field of experience and digitalisation, placing the human factor at the centre of our solutions,’ says Markus Murtinger.

Experience Business Transformation – from strategy to future interactions

The new unit supports companies in embedding customer centricity and experience thinking strategies with a focus on digital experiences and new business models. Another focus is on the creation and development of innovative interactions in selected experience worlds, such as B2B platforms, shopping experiences or the design of complex industrial applications.

‘Markus Murtinger has many years of experience in advising on national and international digitalisation projects. He has an excellent knowledge of the industry and the necessary know-how in the area of experience business transformation. I am delighted that we have been able to recruit him as head of the new competence unit and that we will now be able to strategically develop the research area at the Center for Technology Experience together,’ says Manfred Tscheligi, Head of Center for Technology Experience.

About the person

Markus Murtinger has more than 15 years of experience in advising on innovative digitalisation projects. Since 2006, he has been responsible for managing more than 200 strategic user and customer experience projects at national and international level at the design and consulting firm USECON. He is a speaker at specialist conferences, a guest lecturer at several universities and universities of applied sciences, and the author of numerous specialist commentaries. Markus Murtinger studied business administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, specialising in entrepreneurship and innovation as well as marketing management.

Further information about the centre:

Press contact:

Vanessa Schuster, MA
Marketing and Communications
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Center for Technology Experience