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Green Skills & Green Jobs - what measures does Austria need?

Sep 03
Workshop as part of future-oriented dialogues on transformation topics

3 September from 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Skydome, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna

Green skills and green jobs are needed to achieve the climate transition. On the one hand, this includes skills in dealing with modern technologies to preserve and restore our natural environment, to avoid and reduce further environmental and climate pollution and to reduce energy consumption. On the other hand, skills from traditional professions that can contribute to a climate-neutral economy are also in demand. This includes, for example, the construction industry as well as electrical engineering, textiles, tourism, agriculture and much more. Green jobs are generally considered to be of high quality, but they also require the appropriate investment and framework conditions. At the same time, there is also a lot of potential for green jobs in the low-wage sector. A study commissioned by the European Commission presents scenarios that show different futures up to 2040 and discusses whether and how Europe can expand and utilise potential in this area and what could happen if potential is not utilised.

As part of a half-day workshop , we want to use these scenarios and discuss the Austrian context what course needs to be set so that Austria can not only expand its competitive advantage in the area of Green Jobs & Green Skills, but also achieve climate neutrality and a long-term increase in the quality of life for society.

The workshop will take place in a world café setting in which experts from various economic sectors, finance, education, science, society, the environment, social partnership and politics will discuss with each other and develop strategic options for action for the future/desirable futures.

If you are interested in this workshop and would like to join the discussion, please send an email to Dana Wasserbacher.

With this workshop, the Austrian Institute of Technology is continuing a series of future-oriented dialogues on transformation topics with an impact on Austria's economy, society and politics that began in June. They are based on the broad spectrum of international and European work on foresight and transformative innovation policy carried out at the AIT's Center for Innovation Systems and Policy. With four Foresight Briefs and associated workshops, 2024 marks the start of a programme of foresight events in, with and for Austria over the next three years.