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AIT plays key role in new road safety initiative of the European Commission


ECTRI (European Conference of Transport Research Institutes) has been appointed as a member of sub-group 3 “Forgiving roadsides and self-explaining and self-enforcing roads” of the Expert Group on Road Infrastructure Safety (EGRIS). This sub-group was set up by the European Commission's DG Mobility and Transport and is dedicated to promoting safe road environments through innovative approaches in the field of infrastructure. It develops the basis for EU directives and legislation, especially in the field of road safety.

Isabela Erdelean, researcher at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and rapporteur of ECTRI Thematic Group Safety, will represent ECTRI and contribute to the subgroup's mission to improve road safety across Europe.

“We are delighted to be involved in this important project and to make a key contribution to road safety within ECTRI together with other stakeholders appointed by the Commission,” says Peter Saleh, who heads the AIT road safety team.