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OVE Fem network meeting at the AIT on 16 May 2024

Exchange and inspiration with experts

On 16 May 2024, an inspiring OVE Fem women's network meeting took place at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, attracting numerous participants from various branches of technology and IT.

The focus was on sharing experiences and making new contacts. The presentations by two outstanding female experts, who provided valuable insights into their specialist areas, took centre stage:

Margit Kranner, data science expert at the Centre for Digital Safety & Security, gave a brief insight into the methods, advantages and concepts of data rooms. Data rooms enable the secure and efficient exchange of data between different stakeholders without relinquishing the data sovereignty of individual users. There are already several organisations and federations involved in the construction of data spaces that make their concepts freely available. The concepts of two of the most important organisations (GAIA-X, IDSA) were briefly presented here. The aim of these concepts is, among other things, a cross-domain exchange and the creation of a common ecosystem.

Jasmin Lampert, also a data science expert at the Centre for Digital Safety & Security, spoke about AI from statistics to neural networks and explained that the topic of AI has arrived in the mainstream since the success of ChatGPT at the latest. In her presentation, she shed light on what is meant by AI and in which everyday applications AI algorithms are already being used successfully. She also highlighted both the risks and opportunities of this key technology and emphasised the importance of social discourse.

The women's network meeting was a great success and offered participants not only valuable insights and knowledge, but also the opportunity to expand their professional network. The presentations by Margit Kranner and Jasmin Lampert were inspiring and gave attendees valuable ideas for their own professional and personal development.

We are already looking forward to the next meeting and to hearing about such impressive areas of work again.