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Visionaries around AI - Austrian Women's Council & Women in AI Austria

This is how much diversity is behind current debates

Far too often, our image of the AI landscape is male-centred - both in research and in business. This obscures the important contributions of women and many female role models remain invisible to newcomers.

On 14 February 2024, Women in AI, together with the Austrian Women's Council, invited participants to explore the work of women in AI research under the motto "Visionaries around AI - so much diversity behind current debates".

Mina Schütz, Junior Scientist at the Center for Digital Safety & Security, is currently writing her doctoral thesis in the field of text analysis & information visualisation for disinformation, hate speech and propaganda detection.  At the event, she spoke about the dangers she sees with regard to the division of society through AI-generated content on the internet in the coming years and the resulting manipulation of opinion.