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AIT study shows: climate-neutral industry by 2040 is feasible

The study "transform.industry - transformation paths for a climate-neutral industry in Austria in 2040" shows various solutions that reconcile climate protection with innovation and competitiveness.

The study "transform.industry - Transformation Paths for a Climate Neutral Industry 2040 in Austria" was presented on January 10 as part of the first "Innovation in Dialogue" of the Climate and Energy Fund. The focus is on developing transformation pathways for industry and answering the questions "What will it cost society?" and "What will it bring society?".

The Austrian federal government has set clear goals – Austria aims to be carbon-neutral by 2040. This poses significant challenges, particularly for the industrial sector. TransformIndustry is perceived as the key to overcoming this challenge. With the support of the Climate and Energy Fund, the industry is expected to receive assistance in navigating towards carbon neutrality and making informed investment decisions.

The project takes a holistic approach to the Austrian energy system, integrating various sectors for optimal technical, economic, and socio-economic optimization. It presents scenarios from both technical and entrepreneurial perspectives to provide investors with guidance and assurance. The developed paths not only demonstrate the compatibility of climate protection, innovation, and competitiveness but also highlight political conflicts that need resolution.

The study emphasizes the application of various technologies in different sectors and the most promising combinations. For instance, one example is the use of methanol or hydrogen instead of CO2 in the basic materials industry. Another example is the enhancement of material efficiency, aiming to reduce the production of raw materials and save energy. Researchers from the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology present extreme scenarios to yield more robust results and provide clearer insights, acknowledging that reality often lies somewhere in the middle.

transform.industry serves as the foundation for a comprehensive transformation management in the Austrian industry. A strategic research and innovation agenda, developed in collaboration with stakeholders, outlines the necessary steps to achieve climate goals. The results aim not only to impress political decision-makers and funders but also to raise awareness among the public about the urgency of this transformation.

A significant finding from the study is that a certain proportion of CO2 will still be required by the industry in the future. The study underscores the need for research and development to integrate new technologies into existing processes, enabling their practical application.

Christian Schützenhofer, project coordinator at the Center for Energy: "The solutions identified in the study all contribute to achieving Austria's 2040 climate target. The electricity demand of industry will increase significantly by then - the expansion of renewable energies and the necessary infrastructure to transport them must be a top priority in the coming years.”

The most important findings of the study as well as explanations of the methodology and the scenarios examined can be found here: Transform Industry Pathways to climate neutrality for twelve industrial sectors in Austria

Listen to Christian Schützenhofer, discussing the study on the podcast Petajoule: S06E01 | Projekt transform.industry: Welche Transformationspfade soll die Industrie für Klimaneutralität 2040 verfolgen? - Petajoule - Podcast (podigee.io)