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Female power for the energy transition

New AIT study on equal opportunities in the energy sector

The new AIT study on equal opportunities in the energy sector commissioned by the Climate and Energy Fund will be presented on 2 March at the event "Frauen stärken die Energiewende! - For more equal opportunities in the energy sector" event at the Vienna University of Technology on 2 March, presented by the study authors Julia Himmelsbach and Lisa Diamond from the AIT Center for Technology Experience. Three AIT centres were involved in the study: The Center for Technology Experience, the Center for Energy and the Center for Innovation Systems & Policy.

The energy sector in Austria is traditionally male-dominated. In 2016, the share of women in this sector was only 19 percent - not even one fifth of the employees were women. There were even fewer women in technical professions such as electrical engineer or network technician. But what changes have taken place since then and how can companies successfully promote women and diversity? Answers to these questions will be provided at the event "Women strengthen the energy transition" on 2 March in the run-up to International Women's Day, which takes place on 8 March.

The AIT study examined the Austrian energy sector on the topic of gender equality and diversity and collected comprehensive data and facts on the sector in quantitative and qualitative surveys with companies and employees. Julia Himmelsbach and Lisa Diamond from the AIT Center for Technology Experience will present the results of the study. In addition, the dossier "Equal Opportunities in the Energy Sector", which was prepared by the AIT and will go online on the website of the Climate and Energy Fund on 2 March, will be presented at the event.

To get in the mood for the topic, Katharina Habersbrunner, Executive Director of Women Enegage for a Common Future, will give a keynote speech at the event on the topic of "The Reality of the Glass Ceiling - Structural Challenges for Women in Business". Kerstin Schilcher from the Austrian Energy Agency will present the "Equality Initiative".

This will be followed by a panel discussion on "Empowering women - What can companies do to promote the careers of women in the energy sector" with keynote speaker Katharina Habersbrunner, Julia Himmelsbach (AIT), Hemma Bieser, (Executive Director OurPower), Bente Knoll (Managing Director at the Office for Sustainable Competence) and Brigitte Bach (Executive Director Salzburg AG).

The event is organised by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Climate and Energy Fund. Only women will speak at the conference. In addition to the lectures and the panel discussion, the participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with each other in a themed café. Participation is free of charge, registration is required.

WHEN: 2 March 2023, 09:00 - 12:00 hrs
WHERE: TU Vienna, Kuppelsaal, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna, 4th floor.

Information and registration (in German)

Here is the study summary in the dossier on equal opportunities (in German): https://www.klimafonds.gv.at/dossier/chancengleichheit/der-weg-ist-klar-das-ziel-noch-weit-weg
Here is the press release from 2.3.2023 (in German): https://www.klimafonds.gv.at/press/chancengleichheit-im-sektor-energie-ist-noch-zukunftsmusik