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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Funding for digital security solutions

Cybersecurity is an important area that constantly faces society with new challenges in the age of digitalization.

In order to be able to address this issue adequately with appropriate solutions, funding for security research in Austria will be increased this year by five million euros to a total of 19 million euros, as State Secretary for Digitization Florian Tursky (BMF) presented at a press briefing on January 30, 2023.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made huge progress in recent years and is increasingly being used in cybersecurity. AI can help to better detect and prevent cybercriminal activities. In this context, Martin Boyer, Senior Research Engineer at the Center for Digital Safety & Security at AIT and project leader of "defalsif-ai", presented a new media forensic tool to the press, which innovations are made possible within the framework of the Austrian security research programs: As part of the defalsif-AI project funded by the KIRAS security research program, a digital tool for detecting false information on the Internet was developed using artificial intelligence.

Read the current APA press article: Sicherheitsforschung bekommt Cybersicherheit-Update um fünf Mio. Euro

Further media coverage:


Website of the research project defalsif-AI: https://science.apa.at/project/defalsifai/