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Mission 2030: Young people want to make Klagenfurt a Smart City

AIT leads first youth foresight process in Austria

At the end of 2018, Klagenfurt's municipal council adopted 184 measures in nine fields of action to lead Carinthias capital towards climate neutrality by 2030. Since then, a wide range of measures have been implemented and a variety of next steps have been discussed. One of them is the Mission KS30 project (Mission Klagenfurt: climate neutral and smart by 2030).

As part of the Mission KS30 project, Doris Wilhelmer from the AIT Center for Innovation Systems & Policy led the first youth foresight process in Austria. It was funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection and the FFG (Research Promotion Agency) in the "City of the future" programme. In the youth foresight, pupils of HTL1 and WIMO Klagenfurt developed their vision of a climate-neutral Klagenfurt in 2050 and defined which individual measures and goals within the fields of action of the Smart City Strategy must be implemented in the next few years in order to achieve them. The fields of action are: Mobility, Energy, Infrastructure, Economy, Nature and Habitat, Urban Development & Governance, Digitalisation and Generations. Project manager Doris Wilhelmer accompanied the youth foresight process, the results contriubute to the new version of the Klagenfurt Smart City Strategy. The valuable impulses of the students were also the basis for Klagenfurt becoming the only Austrian city to be part of the EU Cities Mission. Within the mission, 112 European cities were selected that want to be climate-neutral and smart by 2030. This gives Klagenfurt access to funding for innovative climate protection projects.

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