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New Biometric Sensing Technologies for the Police

At the European Police Congress in Berlin, biometrics expert Bernhard Strobl presented state-of-the-art biometric sensor technologies

Biometrics expert Bernhard Strobl presents state-of-the-art sensor technologies at the European Police Congress (Credit: Cyber Akademie GmbH)

Nowadays, people want to move around as freely as possible and travel easily, but they also want to be safe. Fast and secure access and border controls, no queues at passenger check-in at the airport and fast personal identification are the key to high security and comfort. The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology has a leading role in Europe in the field of modern, IT-based border control and property protection. All major EU initiatives in this context have been led and driven by the AIT in recent years. In this context, new biometric sensor technologies for the identification of persons as well as IT systems for the protection of objects and critical infrastructures are being developed at the AIT Center for Digital Safety & Security.

At the European Police Congress in Berlin, Bernhard Strobl, Thematic Coordinator "Digital Identity Management", presented, among other innovations, a special new biometric sensor technology in the expert forum 2.6 "Digital Police" - for the first time, this technology enables the contactless recording of up to 4 fingerprints simultaneously. And this in a time window of less than one second. Surfaces no longer have to be touched. The software for the system is designed for both secured mobile and stationary devices, and fingerprint identification can also be carried out via the camera of commercially available smartphones. This opens up a number of new fields of application, for example for the flexible and rapid support of authorities in identifying individuals.

Further information about the technology: https://www.ait.ac.at/dim/