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SCHALTwerk2030 Final Event

Jun 10
Sustainable living and working in the region of Kremsmünster

Thanks to a grant from the Climate and Energy Fund (KLIEN), a Smart City project with total costs of around 1.11 million euros could be set up in Kremsmünster from July 2019. Since then, 14 project partners have been working in Kremsmünster and the region on several forward-looking strategies and simultaneously testing their implementation.

The closing event will now take place on 10 June: 

Stroll with us into the future!

  • What new, creative working worlds can I find in Kremsmünster?
  • What does a resource-conserving economy look like?
  • How can a common good-oriented, voluntary commitment be realised in everyday life?
  • How can we minimise our global energy dependency and become crisis-proof locally?
  • How can we anchor a future-oriented view in the Traun4tler Alpenvorland?

We - the SCHALTwerk2030 research project - have explored all these questions. Now and then, stumbling blocks have made us stop and reorient ourselves: this has resulted in five clever, local solutions for citizens and the economy of Kremsmünster/Umland in the areas of

  • circular economy
  • new work
  • energy communities and
  • regional strategy

have emerged. What is the smart thing about it? And what is local? Nothing will be revealed now! Only your own stroll will enable you to make valuable, small observations! Come to the FLANIERMEILE Zukunft on 10.6.2022!

  • Strolling Mile Future (1): Million Wheel from 14:00 - 16:00: Dear Children! The future we think should be an asset for you! Grab your parents, come to the market square, spin the million-dollar wheel and secure your prize! You can pick up the prizes between 14:00 and 16:00 at the co-working space "eins", Rathausplatz 1. 
  • Stroll through the Future (2): Make a point and go on from 16:00 - 18:00: Join us on a short journey through the last 3 years of research and experimentation around the local solutions listed above and decide for yourself which of the results you want to take with you into your everyday life.

More info at https://www.schaltwerk2030.at/