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Understanding and grasping quantum computers - knowledge creates discourse

Mai 24

For many years, the progress of ever new generations of computers was based primarily on the miniaturization of semiconductor technology. However, this has now reached physical limits, which has spurred the search for new hardware paradigms for some time. Quantum computing, i.e. exploiting the effects of quantum physics for computers, offers an interesting alternative here.

Interdisciplinary research teams as well as major global players such as IBM, Google and Intel are currently working on the realization of quantum computers, not least because of the expected competitive advantages. However, it is by no means just a matter of cracking the code of an ATM card in the shortest possible time; rather, massive social effects are to be expected, while on the other hand, many jobs will also be created in this area in the future.

But what is actually behind it? How do quantum computers work and what can you do with them?
And above all, how can you imagine it in practice? To bring these questions closer to the interested public, the doors of the "Teaching Quantum Informatics Lab" (TEQUILA - a joint project of the research groups COSY and SEC of the Faculty of Computer Science and the Quantum Particle Group of the Faculty of Physics with the support of AIT) will be opened. With the help of various "Educational Kits", the topic of quantum computing will be made tangible in the truest sense of the word. Afterwards, top-class scientists and representatives of industry will discuss future developments and social implications of quantum computing.

Participation in the event is free and possible online or on-site. Registration is required.

Time: Tuesday, 24th May 2022, from 4.30 pm
Location: Assembly Hall at the Campus of the University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1.11 and online