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AIT's leading-edge technology GraphSense as a contribution to technology autonomy in Europe

Distributed technologies such as blockchain and virtual currencies are an important driver in the course of global digitization efforts. With its Center for Digital Safety & Security, the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology has internationally established R&D competencies in the fields of cyber security and data science as well as special know-how concerning blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. As an important part of the AIT strategy program, renowned experts have developed the GraphSense technology for the forensic analysis of virtual currencies.

The primary design criterion was to ensure the highest transparency and broad availability in this sensitive area, thereby contributing to technology autonomy in Europe, and in order to achieve this, the AIT technology GraphSense was developed as open source software. This gives European stakeholders and authorities in particular broad access to use the analysis technology effectively for their tasks.

This technology development was made possible primarily within the framework of the Austrian security research program KIRAS and further developed in large EU research programs under the leadership of AIT. This has established corresponding European ecosystems consisting of stakeholders from research, industry and public authorities who work closely together in this context of technology development. Thus, AIT has positioned itself in the global arena as an important know-how and technology provider for the development of a secure Internet of the future and will also take an important position in other European innovation and strategy programs, thus making an essential contribution to the fight against fraud and abuse of virtual currencies.  

From research to the market

In order to offer digital analysis tools and related concrete services for the European security market, the independent start-up company IKNAIO, which focuses on services for public authorities and security companies, was founded at the beginning of 2022 by AIT employees, among others. For start-up companies such as IKNAIO, AIT's focused research strategy makes an important contribution to Austria as a business location and thus also to the EU, and therefore also to the necessary technology autonomy in Europe.

Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security at AIT: "We are very pleased that a new Austrian spin-off is based on our special AIT technology GraphSense, which we provide as open source software. In this way, we are making an important contribution to the commercialization of Austrian cutting-edge technologies in Europe."

Press contact:

Michael W. Mürling
Marketing and Communications
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Center for Digital Safety & Security
T +43 (0)50550-4126
michael.muerling(at)ait.ac.at I www.ait.ac.at

Michael H. Hlava
Head of Corporate and Marketing Communications
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
T +43 (0)50550-4014
michael.hlava(at)ait.ac.at I www.ait.ac.at