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dHealth Pulse #5

Okt 12
"AAL - Quo Vadis?"

Moderated by Susanne Hensely-Schinkinger & Dieter Hayn, the fifth dHealth Pulse online event will take place on Tuesday, 12.10.2021 from 5 pm. This time with the title "AAL - Quo Vadis" the dHealth Pulse event series will accompany digital health topics through the year until the next dHealth conference.

Products and services that are intended to improve the quality of life of (not only) older people are the focus of national and international funding: More than 250 projects have already been financially supported by the AAL-Europe funding programme in order to develop such solutions in an international consortium of end-user organisations, companies and research institutions and to bring them to market maturity.

But what has actually been achieved so far? In which specific application areas are these resulting AAL products and services involved? Are there so-called "research gaps"? And how many of these projects make the transition to market readiness and where are the success factors or barriers?

The central topic of this pulse is the presentation of a study:

Funded Projects in the AAL Sector: Output, Acceptance and Lessons Learned".

This study was funded by the Center for Technology (CTS) and implemented in a working group consisting of representatives from the Vienna University of Technology, the University of Vienna, the FH Campus Wien, the FH Technikum Wien and the FH St. Pölten. Stakeholders from the sector, such as funding bodies and interest groups, will also have their say.

Registration at: https://dhealthpulse.clickmeeting.com/dhealth-pulse-5/register (The event will be held in German)