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Digital Days 2021

Okt 18-19
Ingeniously Digital: Sustainable Vienna!

Register now! Participation in the Digital Days 2021 is free! Further information and registration at: https://didays.digitalcity.wien


On October 18 and 19, experts from the city, business and research will be discussing the interplay between digitization and sustainability in the context of smart urban development under the motto “Ingeniously digital: Sustainable Vienna!”. The key question is: Can digital tools and services make our city more sustainable and climate-friendly?


Monday, October 18th AIT data science expert Mina Schütz will hold a workshop with schoolchildren from 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. on the subject of "How to recognize false information on the Internet and which new tools can help us". Disinformation and the topic of fake news are playing an increasingly important role in the digital world - especially with the increased use of social media. News and information are available immediately on demand - no matter when or where. This means that fake news can spread all the faster, especially when it comes to critical and political issues. There are a number of approaches to counteract such fake news, such as automatic detection tools. These in particular can help to point out potential disinformation.


The Digital Days take place on the Erste Campus and online. Panel discussions, expert talks, keynotes and workshops offer many opportunities for exchange. The program is rounded off by the award of the Hedy Lamarr Prize by the City of Vienna. Women researchers in Austria are honored for their outstanding achievements in the field of information technology.


The Digital Days are a joint event by the City of Vienna, DigitalCity.Wien and Urban Innovation Vienna, a Wien Holding company, in cooperation with Erste Bank. More at: https://www.digitalcity.wien/