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"Human-Centered Innovation" - the Yearbook of the Alpbach Technology Symposium

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"Human-Centered Innovation" – this is the focus of our current yearbook "Discussing Technology" that we published in terms of the Alpbach Technology Symposium and presented to the public today.

The yearbook takes up the general topic of the European Forum Alpbach 2021, "The Great Transformation", and discusses the thesis that human values and needs – in the face of numerous transformation processes – must always be at the centre.
Edited by Hannes Androsch and the AIT Managing Directors Wolfgang Knoll and Anton Plimon, the yearbook includes contributions by the AIT Heads of Center Andreas Kugi, Manfred Tscheligi and Matthias Weber, the AIT Head of Competence Unit Markus Murtinger, the AIT Principal Scientist Matthias Scheutz and Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, the Director General of the MAK - Museum of Applied Arts.

What is the state of Industry 5.0? How can human-machine interfaces be designed? What role do the arts play within transformation processes? The book takes up these and other interesting questions and at the same time represents the scientific prelude to the Alpbach Technology Symposium 2021.

All participants of the Technology Symposium will receive the yearbook "Discussing Technology" free of charge. It is also available in bookshops or digitally via our homepage: www.ait.ac.at/efatec