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„Without Experience, no Business“

Article by Margherita Kramer in the current issue of Sheconomy

Recent history shows how important technology is to keep our social and working lives together. And by technology, we no longer mean just the intelligence in today's systems, but above all the interface with people. In times of social distancing, anyone who wants to be social is more than ever dependent on the help of communication technologies - and not only trained technicians should be able to deal with this, but everyone with the need to communicate and engage in dialogue with other people. Whether it is for the job or in private life. 

This brings us exactly where the Center for Technology Experience comes in: What is the underlying human need? Why does he need a technology? What does he want to achieve with it? How must the interface to humans be designed so that the goal can be achieved? And above all: What does this mean for a product or a service? Margherita Kramer addresses these questions in more than just one area. Be it in her role as a business developer at the AIT Center for Technology Experience, or in her role as a supporter of spin-offs from AIT. In both cases, it is all about the same thing: What actually makes a technology interesting - and relevant - for users and customers.

The full-length article can be found in the current issue of Sheconomy (pages 14-15):

AIT-Contact: Margherita Kramer