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Optical microchips - Best Poster Award for Stefan Nevlacsil

Poster on optical microchip for human retinal image awarded

At the European Conference on Integrated Optics 2020 with 600 participants from science and industry, the poster of Stefan Nevlacsil, from the Competence Unit Molecular Diagnostics, received the Nature Photonics Best Poster Award.

The topic of the poster was the development of an integrated-optical microchip for optical coherence tomography (OCT) as part of the H2020 project OCTCHIP.
OCT is a revolutionizing in-vivo 3D imaging technique for non-invasive optical biopsy addressing medical needs with early diagnosis and reduction of healthcare cost.
The integrated-optical microchip technology developed in OCTCHIP will make a new generation of OCT systems possible with step-changes in size and cost. In this project, AIT is responsible for the design of the integrated-optical waveguides.

Since the beginning of this year, the work for the follow-up project HandheldOCT (H2020) started, which, as the name implies, has set even higher goals with the development of a portable device for point-of-care applications.