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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

You work at the home-office?

Take part in our online survey

The Corona crisis is a particularly challenging situation for all of us. To find out more about which strategies have a particularly positive impact in dealing with the crisis, which media and technologies are being given a completely new and unique status and how interaction and communication are changing in the crisis, the AIT Center for Technology Experience is launching an Austria-wide corona study.

In the course of this survey we would like to investigate how home office situations and especially the interaction with technical tools (e.g. information and communication technologies) are changing and how they are experienced. To participate in the survey, please click on this link:



We look forward to your participation!

Please contact Ulrike Kretzer if you have any questions:

Ulrike Kretzer