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Anita Graser one of the finalists of the “Red Hat Women in Open Source Award”


Red Hat is a multinational company providing open source software products. It has become associated to a large extent with its enterprise operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With the “Women in Open Source Award”, Red Hat is looking to spotlight contributions women are making to open source and inspire a new generation to join the open source community.

Anita Graser, Spatial Data Scientist at the AIT Center for Mobility Systems, has now been nominated as one of the finalists in this year’s award – in particular for her work in context of QGIS, an open source Geographic Information System. She has been contributing to the QGIS project since 2008, and in 2013 she joined the QGIS project steering committee and wrote her first book about QGIS titled “Learning QGIS 2.0”. From 2015 to 2017, Anita Graser was elected to the OSGeo board of directors. She is developing the Time Manager plugin for QGIS and has started the MovingPandas library, which implements trajectory data structures and corresponding methods for handling movement data. Anita Graser published several books about QGIS, including four editions of “Learning QGIS”, two editions of “QGIS Map Design”, and the “QGIS 2 Cookbook”. She has been an invited speaker at dozens of international events, including scientific and technical conferences, and has been recognized as one of the 40 Under 40 professionals in the geospatial industry magazine xyHt.

Find out more about Red Hat’s “2020 Women in Open Source Award”: