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Austrian National Tourist Office visits the Technology Experience Lab

Vertreter*innen von Tourismusunternehmen, Tourismusorganisationen & Österreich Werbung informierten sich am AIT über das Arbeiten mit Daten und neuen Arbeitstechniken

On 27 February, representatives of Österreich Werbung, the marketing partner for tourism in Austria, as well as representatives of tourism companies and organisations, visited the AIT Center for Technology Experience to exchange ideas with AIT experts about the potential of new and future technologies and to experience them first hand at AIT. Prof. Dr. Manfred Tscheligi, Head of the Center for Technology Experience, welcomed the guests and gave an overview of the center, after which the AIT experts presented their various topics in more detail. Among other things, the topics of location-based gaming, extended reality, living labs and persuasion & behaviour change were presented and the possible benefits for the Austrian National Tourist Office were considered and discussed.
The ten-person team from Austrian National Tourist Office, including managing director Mag. Dr. Petra Stolba, were enthusiastic about the expertise, the exciting topics and the different demos, which were extensively tested. For example, the video optimisation tool OptiVID, a VR demo, a FaceReader and an AR application example from the art sector were presented.