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TRA 2018: Invitation to become a Full Paper Reviewer


Due to the high number of submissions TRA 2018 is still looking for reviewers who will help to guarantee high quality of scientific and technical contributions at the conference.  If you are interested please contact programme(at)travie2018.at.    





14 September 2017

Full paper due

15 Sept.-2 Oct. 2017

Reviewer assignment to papers

03-30 October 2017

Review of full papers

28 Nov 2017

Full paper review and format decision sent to authors

25 Jan 2018

Final programme publication

21 March 2018

Submission of PowerPoint slides for checking by the Session Chair

21 March 2018

Submission of Poster

16-19 April 2018

7th European Transport Research Arena, Reed Messe Wien,


For further information visit the AIT Eventpage or traconference.eu