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[Translate to English:] FSV-Verkehrstag 2015 Wien

Jun 11
[Translate to English:] AIT Mobility nimmt mit Vorträgen und Stand teil.

On June, 11th, 2015, the FSV Transportation Day 2015 of the Austrian Research Association Road – Rail – Transport (FSV) will take place at the Parkhotel Schönbrunn. Furthermore, the informative keynotes and interdisciplinary discussions on transport planning and safety, as well as road construction and operation will be accompanied by an exhibition.

The business unit Transportation Infrastructure Technologies, AIT Mobility Department, will participate as exhibitor to inform the expected 350 participating transport experts from all over Austria about its research services.

Date: June 11th, 2015

Time: from 08:45 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.

Venue: Austria Trend Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Hietzinger Hauptstraße 10-14, 1130 Wien

Click here to find out more about the FSV Transportation Day and take a look at the program.

Program (PDF file)