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COVID Pop-up Hub

Together thinking ahead in the crisis!

As a think tank, the digital "COVID Pop-up Hub" is intended to promote the exchange of ideas on questions raised by the Corona crisis, as well as to suggest possible solutions and further activities. The open discussion platform focuses on the areas of digital health, distancing, economic buffers and government intervention. The aim is to gather experiences and ideas in order to learn from them and jointly shape a more resilient future.

The COVID 19 pandemic is exposing many weaknesses in our economic and social system. For example, we have had to recognize that our social life has been impaired and health care systems overstretched, that supply chains have broken down and international cooperation has been scaled back. In many areas, problems arise for which there are currently no satisfactory solutions.

Digital discussion room
As a think tank, the hub is intended to promote exchange and stimulate further activities. Initiated by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), this platform is a digital discussion room. Everybody can participate and exchange information online with other interested parties and interdisciplinary experts on the topic COVID-19. The BMK Pop-up Hub is a platform that collects cross-industry findings from the COVID-19 crisis and thus focuses on an innovative approach to new questions.

Together learning from the crisis
The aim is to learn together from the crisis and to find new relevant questions and solutions that will help to shape a more resilient future. In doing so, the focus is deliberately placed on the broadest possible discussion, in which everyone can contribute ideas, opinions and experiences and thus also help shape the future. The Pop-up Hub is the unique opportunity to bring together different experiences and to involve different stakeholders. In the COVID Pop-up Hub nexyo, Red Swan, Data Intelligence Offensive (DIO), Cbased and the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology work together on behalf of the BMK.

The AIT Center for Technology Experience is responsible for the topic of "Distancing". Distancing is one of the most important protective measures against the corona virus. The COVID-19 crisis and the resulting health conditions require different behavior in different life contexts. Many research groups and companies have been asking themselves since the beginning of the crisis: "How can distance be supported by technological measures?"

Join us now and generate and discuss ideas and solutions in the field of "Technologies for Distancing":



Further information:

COVID Pop-up Hub


Highlights from the Hub:


AIT-Contact: Vanessa Schuster