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Responsible Research and Innovation Workshop

Mai 26
Publication Bias in the Health System

Non-publication of clinical trials reduces the exploitation possibilities of research results and affects not only the general knowledge base but also the overall level of public health.

The FP7-funded UNCOVER project (Evaluation and development of measures to uncover and overcome bias due to non-publication of clinical trials; www.publicationbias.eu) has been working for two years to identify strategies to overcome publication bias in the health sector (i.e. the non-publication of clinical studies).

In a final expert workshop on “Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) & Publication Bias in the Health System” we want to discuss our project findings and recommendations to change practice and support evidence-based medicine with experts and key stakeholders in the wider context of responsible research and innovation (RRI).

Registration: Please send an email to Manuela Kienegger (Coordinator of the UNCOVER project)  manuela.kienegger(at)ait.ac.at


26 May 2014, TechGate Vienna, Austria

For more information about UNCOVER, please see  visit our website at www.publicationbias.eu.