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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Fake Shop Detector wins Constantinus Award

Linz-based technology solution provider X-Net and its partners AIT and ÖIAT are honoured for their pioneering work in the fight against online fraud

"The fight against disinformation and fraud on the internet is an important part of our strategic focus on digitalisation. With the development of the innovative Fake Shop Detector, the AIT is demonstrating its role as a leading research institution in digital security technologies that support both the economy and society in exploiting the potential of digitalisation and minimising the risks. Congratulations to the team!" (AIT Scientific Director Andreas Kugi)

The damage caused by fake shops in Austria runs into the millions, with tens of thousands of reports arriving at Watchlist Internet every year. Once payment has been made, the money is often lost. The moment the fraud is discovered, the shops have usually already disappeared again. This makes prevention all the more important: the Fake Shop Detector is a unique and free AI tool for consumers that provides automated protection against online shopping fraud. With over 21,000 features, the system checks suspicious shops, identifies them with almost 100 per cent accuracy and warns users in real time using a traffic light system. The Fake Shop Detector promises and delivers free fraud protection in your own Internet browser while respecting your privacy.

Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security at AIT, emphasised the importance of joint efforts in the fight against cybercrime: "The growing threats posed by disinformation, hate speech and fraudulent attacks on the internet require joint efforts to provide digital users with tools and resources to maintain their sovereignty."

The Fake Shop Detector is a highly effective AI-based tool for consumers and online retailers to ensure a secure digital shopping experience. The award of the State Prize for Digitalisation helps to raise public awareness of the threats in e-commerce and demonstrates the ability of trustworthy high-tech AI developments "made in Austria". A special feature of this AI solution is the manual quality assurance, which is carried out on an ongoing basis by experts from Watchlist Internet. This enables the use of transparent and trustworthy AI, which generates significant added value for the Fake Shop Detector as a security-relevant service and is aimed at consumers who are actively protected in this way while shopping online.

Read the full german article here.