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Apr 18
A data room to get to know and try out

"How do you do?

My name is VriDS.

I am an experimental data room.

You can get to know and try out Gaia-X with me.

When I grow up, I will fundamentally change the way data is handled."


Digitalisation and the accompanying regulation pose enormous challenges for small and large companies alike. The need to efficiently share, utilise and process data across company boundaries while maintaining security, confidentiality and sovereignty is becoming increasingly important.

Data rooms provide the necessary organisational and technical framework for this. Common standards and services enable the secure and trustworthy exchange of data. This means that new regulations, such as the digital product passport, or the implementation of the upcoming Supply Chain Act can be implemented across the entire value chain, while data rooms also enable new, digital business models to be established quickly and confidentially. This facilitates digitalisation in both SMEs and large companies and increases competitiveness.

During the event, we will present the possibilities and current developments in the field of data rooms. To make it easier for companies to enter this world, the Gaia-X Hub Austria and the Digital Factory Vorarlberg have developed a test environment for the implementation of a digital data room. The experimental data room VriDS is available to companies free of charge for their first steps. During the event, we will present the test environment, give examples of its use, introduce new business models and explain the technical background. Following the official part of the event, there will be an opportunity for networking and a tour of the Digital Factory Vorarlberg pilot factory.



  •     Welcome
  •     Why do we need data spaces?
  •     Demonstration of the experimental data room VriDS
  •     Technical background
  •     New business models and example applications
  •     How can you experiment with VriDS?

Followed by networking with drinks and finger food and a tour of the pilot factory



Date: 18 April 2024, 14:00 - 16:00, followed by an aperitif

Location: Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Room W 303


Please register by 14 April 2024 at office(at)vactory.at .

The event is free of charge for registered participants.


Einladung GAIA-X Event