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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung


A new solution to fast-track energy transition

Positive clean Energy District’s (PED) are a key building block in the future energy paradigm for carbon-neutral cities and communities. With the rise of modern technology, local digital twins – the digital representations of a functional territory combining low- and high-velocity data with dynamic models – play a significant role in PED development and the scaling of it, supporting decision makers and planners in taking informed decisions towards a sustainable future. However, as promising digital twins might be, results potentially suffer significantly from representation bias, as Dr. Martin Traunmueller, AIT project lead, points out: “By focusing narrowly on energy and mobility topics confined to the traditional sectors, digital twins for PEDs currently lack representation of significant aspects such as social, economic, and environmental properties, and hence, draw only part of the picture of a district or a city.”

To achieve a comprehensive understanding of a district or city, including vital social and economic properties of its inhabitants, the BIPED project proposes a holistic approach to expand the digital twin framework, particularly in the case of Aarhus, Denmark. Playing a central role in BIPED's development, the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology leads Work Package 2 (WP2), tasked with developing, implementing, and testing the BIPED digital twin within the local community. The project aims to integrate the digital twin into the European data space environment from January 2024 to December 2026, with a total budget of €7.2 million.


Webpage: https://www.bi-ped.eu/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/biped_eu

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/biped-eu