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Decrypting Cyber Security

Feb 06
A series of events organized by the SILICON ALPS Cluster and JOANNEUM RESEARCH

JOANNEUM RESEARCH and the SILICON ALPS Cluster, in cooperation with the Lakeside Science & Technology Park Klagenfurt, are organizing the 4th part of the Decrypting Cyber Security event series at the Lakeside Science & Technology Park Klagenfurt.

In addition to the topics of software security and red teaming, Stefan Schauer, Senior Scientist at the Center for Digital Safety & Security, will give a lecture entitled "From Vulnerability to System Crash". In it, he will build on the topic of software security and point out the problem of exploiting individual (small) vulnerabilities in complex systems. Based on findings from national and international AIT research projects, he will show how small vulnerabilities can lead to a far-reaching compromise of complex systems, with potentially serious consequences. Examples will be used to illustrate how the tools developed by AIT can be used to address and prevent this.

Further information on the event can be found here.