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DLD Summer Session: Quantum Promises

Helmut Leopold outlined upcoming solutions in the field of Quantum Communication and explained Europe's role in this area

On July 1, the hybrid DLD (Digital – Life – Design) conference was held in Munich. Since 2005 the DLD has developed into Europe’s leading innovation conference for visionaries from around the globe. It aims to spark conversations that cross boundaries and bring participants together in a common search for answers to the most challenging questions that arise through digital change.

In der DLD Summer session “ Quantum Promises“ session host and McKinsey Germany analyst Niko Mohr kicked off with insights from a newly released McKinsey report that provides insights into the state of quantum computing worldwide. IBM researcher Heike Riel explained how far the technology has come, while Helmut Leopold of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology took a close look at security implications as well as Europe’s role in this area. Venture investor Herbert Mangesius closed the session with his assessment of the sector from a financial perspective.

Watch the session here: https://dldnews.com/videos/quantum-computing-promises-reality-dld-talk/