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Digital urban planning know-how for the Frankfurt skyline

AIT and the architectural firm Albert Speer & Partner will develop the new Frankfurt high-rise development plan

The AIT Center for Energy, together with the renowned Frankfurt architects Albert Speer & Partner, has been awarded the contract to draw up the Frankfurt high-rise development plan 2021. The plan envisages the examination and definition of new and existing high-rise locations. Not only the city silhouette and urban development qualities will be evaluated, but also the suitability of the locations from a climatic and traffic point of view.

Paradigm shift in urban planning: Parametric model for Frankfurt 

The use of parametric models represents a paradigm shift compared to traditional design processes for high-rise buildings. For the development of the Frankfurt skyline, several planning variants and scenarios can be created within a very short time. The innovative achievement behind this is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data for the calculation, which was developed in the AIT City Intelligence Lab. "With our specific know-how, we can create a large number of high-rise planning scenarios," explains Nikolas Neubert, Head of the Digital Resilient Cities Competence Unit at the Center for Energy of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.  "This brings enormous added value for the client, the City of Frankfurt, as the high-rise locations can be subjected to a complete overview of services and performance right from the start," says Neubert.

Informed planning for the Frankfurt high-rise locations

In Frankfurt, the high-rise locations in the banking district, at Danziger Platz, the ECB and the Osthafen Entrée are being redesigned. "We will also evaluate these districts in terms of shading and wind influences. Wind currents are of particular importance for fine-tuning the microclimatic conditions of a district, and heat and shading are also important issues for the population," explains project manager Martin Traunmüller, Research Engineer at the AIT Center for Energy. "With our digital planning tools, we can not only plan a new skyline, but also take into account the quality of the later use with regard to the urban climate".

Two office communities work independently on the designs

By the end of April 2021, two selected office communities will review where exactly new high-rise buildings can be designated. In addition to Albert Speer & Partner and the AIT, another office partnership will be formed by 03 Architekten and Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten together with Ernst Basler und Partner. The office communities will work separately, but in exchange with each other, on urban development studies. They will not only interpret new high-rise buildings, but also take a critical look at the old, as yet undeveloped high-rise locations within the areas.

More Infos: https://cities.ait.ac.at/site/  

Press Contact:

Mag. Margit Özelt
Marketing and Communications
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Energy
M: +43 664 88390660
margit.oezelt(at)ait.ac.at I www.ait.ac.at