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Physicist Sofia Rollet on the fight against abuse in virtual currency systems

The data science expert focuses her research on the detection of cybercrime in the field of cryptocurrency

AIT Data Scientist Sofia Rollet (Imagecredit: Christine Wurnig)

When the Italian-born physicist Sofia Rollet decided almost 20 years ago to accept a research assignment in Austria, she actually only wanted to stay for two years. "But as so often in life, things turned out a little differently," she explains with a laugh. And although the areas of responsibility and research questions have changed again and again, she has always remained loyal to the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology during this time. As a data science expert at the AIT, she is currently focusing on the detection of cybercrime in connection with crypto-currencies in the Europe-wide TITANIUM project. To effectively tackle this new threat potential, she and her team developed the GraphSense tool, which has become one of the world's leading open source forensic tools for the analysis of virtual currencies. The aim is to support law enforcement agencies in their investigations of anonymous, illegal cyber activities.