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ERIGrid Consultation at European Utility Week (EUW)

Amsterdam, Oct. 5, 2017

ERIGrid (European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid Systems Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out) is a collaborative research project supported by Horizon 2020. In the project 18 partners from 11 countries distributed all over Europe provide unique and complementary DER research infrastructures and leading expertise in the field.


Thus, ERIGrid supports the technology development as well as the rollout of smart grid solutions and concepts in Europe. The project jointly develops common methods, concepts, and procedures for conducting smart grids research.

On 5 October at 13:00 CET ERIGrid will hold an open consultation at the European Utility Week 2017. This interactive discussion and presentation of the ERIGrid project aims to obtain feedback from representatives of utilities, standardisation organisations, industry/manufacturers, and anyone interested in smart grid testing methodologies.

The side-event will specifically look into the topics:

  • Introduction on the ERIGrid project
  • Holistic system integration and validation procedure developed in ERIGrid
  • Project results on development and enhancement of simulation tools and methodologies
  • Free of charge access to the ERIGrid research infrastructures/laboratories and the targeted research topics

More information on the event at EUW:  https://erigrid.eu/survey

ERIGrid on LinkedIn: "ERIGrid Project" https://www.linkedin.com/company/10479239/

on Twitter: @ERIGrid   

ERIGrid Homepage: http://erigrid.eu/